This Bitch has to go to Prison

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 months ago by Ginette Martin.
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  • #302 Reply

    Madyson Marquette is a menace to society. Everywhere she has been she leaves a path of bullshit and legal issues. LOCK HER UP.

    #305 Reply
    Richard Cheney

    If enough people wake up and realize they are giving money to a scam artist and report it, that will go a long way. Enough victims reporting her will motivate local authorities.

    #317 Reply

    Yeah I agree but I can’t believe that some of the bigger Grifters haven’t been rounded up. Go through their taxes, receiving monies by deception or Fraud at least.

    #596 Reply
    Beth Maree

    I have never donated but I have been harassed by her via lies and slander with zero facts.
    She does this after blocking my ability to respond.
    She is a compulsive liar and that is a fact.

    #22642 Reply
    Ginette Martin

    After reading through many of these documents, I can’t see how she’s NOT in prison by now….. Her lies continue to mount…..

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